Recording Session Shortcuts


Ctrl + K or Ctrl + / Open Spotlight (learn more)
Ctrl + Alt/Option + Shift + D Dashboard
Ctrl + Alt/Option + Shift + P Projects
Ctrl + Alt/Option + Shift + S Sessions
Ctrl + Alt/Option + Shift + T Tasks
Ctrl + Alt/Option + Shift + H Help

Recording Project

Ctrl + I Invite members to recording project
Ctrl + Alt/Option + N Add session
Ctrl + Alt/Option + P Edit recording project
Ctrl + Shift + M Recording project members
Ctrl + Shift + C Connected projects
Ctrl + E Export recording orders for visible sessions
Ctrl + Shift + E Export takes notes for visible sessions
Ctrl + Shift + I Toggle instrumentation difficulty and priority
Ctrl + Shift + Z Toggle location/user timezone
Ctrl + H Show/hide archived recording sessions
Ctrl + Shift + , Previous recording session
Ctrl + Shift + . Next recording session
Ctrl + Shift + S Session settings *
Ctrl + Shift + D Duplicate session *
Ctrl + Alt/Option + Shift + Backspace Delete session *
Ctrl + Alt/Option + Shift + B Deselect focused form field

*applies to the first visible session if multiple sessions are visible

Add Starts

Ctrl + Shift + A Toggle the Add Starts panel for the first visible session
ESC Close the Add Starts panel
Ctrl + Shift + 1-3 Switch start type tab (Cue | Start | Break)
Ctrl + F Search cues
Ctrl + 1-4 Toggle filters (Session Instrumentation | Unscheduled | Not Completed | Active)
Ctrl + Alt/Option + A Add all cues
Ctrl + Alt/Option + 1-4 Include instrumentations (Ask | As individual starts | As one start | Don't Include)

Take Notes

Ctrl + Shift + T Toggle the Take Notes panel *
ESC Close the Take Notes panel

Ctrl + N (Mac)

Alt + N (PC)

New take *
Ctrl + B New take with same bars *
Ctrl + , Previous start *
Ctrl + . Next start *
Ctrl + R Mark start as Completed and advance to next start
Ctrl + Shift + R Mark start as Incomplete and advance to next start
Ctrl + P Show/hide the Passes field

Ctrl + T (Mac)

Alt + T (PC)

Show/hide the Pre-Take Notes field
Ctrl + F Filter top rated takes (only 5 stars)
Ctrl + 1-5 Rate take 1-5 stars
Ctrl + X Mark take as Interrupted
Ctrl + Z Mark take as Noise (stage noise)
Ctrl + D Mark take as Overdub
Ctrl + Shift + Backspace Delete take
Ctrl + Shift + E Export Take Notes
Ctrl + Shift + 1-2 Switch tab (Cue Notes | Cue Tasks)
Ctrl + Alt/Option + 1-3 Takes increment by (Recording Project | Session | Start)

*if the take notes panel is closed, open the Take Notes panel for the first start marked To Record, for the first visible session

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