Export Wall Chart

The Wall Chart bears similarity to a Cue Log, but presents a more refined design by combining multiple pre-defined fields into unified columns. While it offers fewer options compared to the cue log, if you're seeking an aesthetically pleasing cue list to adorn your wall, this is the one! Due to its combined fields, it is only available in PDF format.

Should you need to export a cue sheet that focuses on writer and publisher details for performing rights organizations, we kindly direct you to our Export Cue Sheet article. It provides a comprehensive guide to assist you through the process.

Screenshot of a wall chart exported from CueDB.

To export a wall chart, click on "Tools > Export Cues":

A modal window will open up. Make sure that "Wall Chart" is selected and choose desired options.

The Export Cues Modal Window
Deselect any of the available columns that you prefer not to include in the export.

When you're ready to export, simply click on the 'Export' button. Depending on your browser, the file will either automatically download to your default downloads folder, open directly in your browser, or prompt you to select a save location.

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