How Do I Subscribe to CueDB PRO?

Any user intending to access PRO features in CueDB requires a subscription license. This can be either purchased individually through a personal subscription plan or obtained as an additional license under another user's subscription plan. Here's the process to subscribe to a plan of your own:

  1. Navigate to the 'Billing & Licenses' page.

  1. You will now be presented with our plans, along with a comprehensive comparison guide below. If you require just a single license for yourself, please select '1' in the licenses select box, then choose your preferred plan by clicking the 'Buy' button.

  1. You will be redirected to the 'Stripe Billing Portal'. Enter your payment details.

  1. Click 'Subscribe'.

Congratulations on your purchase! You will be redirected back to CueDB, supercharged with our PRO features. It's time to embark on your enhanced CueDB adventure!

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