Create a Recording Session

Once a Recording Project is created, click on Add Sessions to open up the modal window to create a session.

The Title field is required, while other fields are optional and can be completed later. Set the date and start time according to the timezone of the recording's location, such as the scoring stage/studio. Each member can choose to view dates and times in either the recording timezone or their own from within the recording project.

If the recording location isn't listed, use the +Add button to add a new one. User-added locations are saved per team for future use and may be considered as Standard locations by the CueDB Team. Locations are saved with timezones and will update automatically with any location change. The timezone field is locked when a location is selected, but if no location is chosen, you can manually edit the timezone.

Selecting session instrumentations helps filter cues with matching tags, making it easy to populate recording orders and tracking remaining items for recording.

Once all information is entered, click Create to save the session.

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