Import Cues From Reaper

In CueDB

  1. If your project uses a frame rate, make sure your CueDB project's frame rate matches that of your DAW project. You can check and adjust this in CueDB under "Project Settings > General".

  2. Click on "Tools > Import Cues" in CueDB.

  3. Choose "Reaper CSV".

  4. Choose how you would like to map Cue # and Title.

  5. Choose your file and click on "Preview".
  6. To exclude specific cues from the import, simply uncheck them. If you prefer not to include titles, uncheck the "Title" checkbox.
  7. Click "Import" if everything looks correct.

If a cue with the same Cue # already exists in your CueDB document, it will be tagged as 'UPDATE' rather than 'NEW'. This will update the timecodes and, if checked, the title of the existing cue.

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