Viewer Preset

The Viewer preset is a dedicated view designed for members whose access and actions you want to control. A member with the Viewer privilege can only access the Viewer preset and the fields you enable for it. This streamlined view provides a clutter-free experience, offering precise control over what they can see and edit. The Viewer preset cannot be renamed or deleted.

Understanding Viewer Access and Edit Rights

As default, a Viewer can only see the following fields in CueDB:

Here are the key differences in the Viewer preset:

Viewer Simulation

Administrators and the Owner have the ability to simulate a Viewer's perspective by clicking on the 'Viewer' button found within the preset tabs section. This button is not visible to any other user privileges and Viewers do not have access to the preset tabs section at all.

The preset tabs are located at the bottom of the Cue Overview.
The End Viewer Simulation button is located at the bottom left of the Cue Overview.
A text will show up in the header to let you know that you are currently in Viewer Simulation.
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